Five illegal immigrants are suing the state of Oregon because they are displeased with the turnout of a vote as to whether or not we should grant illegals licenses. Their claim is that granting them licenses would make it easier for them to find jobs. However, that is not a valid argument since they do not legally have these jobs in the first place. Thirty-five of the thirty-six counties in Oregon voted against allowing illegal immigrants to obtain a U.S license. Some people are claiming that the vote passed by Oregon is a racial matter but that’s not entirely fair since we have nothing to compare it to. It just so happens that the majority of illegal immigrants happen to be from Mexico or Central America.
If these people are here working hard and paying sales and property taxes why shouldn’t they be allowed to drive? Because illegal immigration isn’t a victimless crime. Currently, the amount of money they pay does not cover the amount that they take (Seminal study of the costs of immigration by the National Academy of Sciences). Most of this is from schooling young children all the way up until graduation. Of course these people are trying to make a life for themselves, plus they benefit legal Americans by working for a lower price but that gap in pay continues to get smaller.
If Oregon had granted illegal immigrants licenses, it would have been an inconsistency in our system. We have laws set in place for a reason and until they are changed, we can not provide illegals with more rights.