Thursday, September 17, 2015

Oklahoma delays Richard Glossip's execution

Richard Glossip, who is now 51, has been on death row for seventeen years.  Glossip’s boss was beaten to death with a baseball bat by a man named Justin Sneed, who claims that he committed this act because Glossip had promised him 10,000 dollars if he did.  Because of this testimony Sneed was sentenced to life in prison, while Glossip was put on death row.  

Now, years later, the Supreme Court has taken up a case claiming that Oklahoma’s method of lethal injection is unconstitutional.  This method was already under investigation due to a death row inmate’s execution that caused him to die of a heart attack 45 minuets after being injected with a, never before tested, mixture of drugs.  Glossip’s very soon execution has been put on hold by the governor of Oklahoma, Mary Fallin in order to allow time for this case to unfold.  

Glossip’s lawyers may take this brief pause on his sentence to try and find more evidence to prove that he is innocent.  But for now Glossip is enjoying his time here on earth by visiting with his family who he has not seen in years.

For all the details, see the full article.